Human Rights, State Sovereignty and Interference: The Basic Conception under Treaty Law System


  • Un-Bor Vong
        38 43


This paper discusses what human rights are and how human rights changed after World War II.
Author tried giving a legal determination of human rights. Also the paper considers evolution of development
of human rights. In this document argues that under the domestic law, the protection of
fundamental individual rights is guaranteed in the State Constitution or relevant legal documents. In this
aspect, the protection is more related to the sovereign power of the State. The purpose of this protection
is to confirm inalienable and legally enforceable rights against the State interference and the abuse of the
power possessed by the government.
Author in the research considered UN Charter, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and
Will of the State as Basis for Protection of Human Rights shows how domestic law and international
treaties connected with each other in the field of human rights. Author claims that organs and specialized
agencies related to human rights should therefore further enhance the coordination of their activities
based on the consistent and objective application of international human rights instruments. Implementation
of International human rights treaties, which is ratified by the State should be be monitored by the
monitoring bodies concerned.






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