Information For Authors
Submissions to the International Relations and International Law Journal are made using Open Journal System, the online submission and peer review system.
The author for correspondence is obliged to provide a cover letter for publication in the journal.
- The Editorial Board accepts previously unpublished articles in research areas of the journal. The paper should be submitted in electronic format (in .doc, .docx, .rtf) ONLY by submitting it through the function (Open Journal System) at the journal's website
- Font size -12 (abstract, keywords, references - 10, table text - 9-11), font -Times New Roman, alignment - text width, spacing - single, paragraph indentation - 0.8 cm, margins: top and bottom – 2 cm, left and right – 2 cm.
- Figures, tables, graphs, diagrams, etc. are presented directly in the text, indicating the number and title (for example, Figure 1 – The name of the figure). The number of figures, tables, graphs and diagrams should not exceed 20% of total volume of the article (in some cases up to 30%).
- The volume of the article (excluding title, information about authors, abstract, keywords, references) should be at least 3,000 words and not exceed 7,000 words for social and humanitarian areas, and 1,500-7,000 words for natural science and technical areas.
- Authors must indicate in the cover letter in the Open Journal System that the submitted article/manuscript has not been published anywhere before, and that the article does not contain borrowed text fragments from other papers without referencing them.
The structure of the article (You can use the TEMPLATE for preparing your manuscript):
First page:
- The first line is the IRSTI (Interstate rubricator of scientific and technical information number) (in exceptional cases, UDC), alignment is left, the font is bold.
- The title of the article (Title) should reflect the essence and content of the article and attract the reader's attention. The name should be short, informative and not contain any jargon or abbreviations. The optimal length of the title is 5-7 words (in some cases 10-12 words). The title of the article should be presented in Russian, Kazakh and English. The title of the article is presented in bold, lowercase letters, and alignment is centered.
- Author (s) of the article – Initials and surname, place of work (affiliation), city, country, email – in Russian, Kazakh and English. Information about authors is presented in an ordinary font in lowercase letters, alignment is centered.
- Abstract of at least 150 words in Russian, Kazakh and English
- The structure of the abstract includes the following MANDATORY items:
- Introduction to the research topic.
- Purpose, main directions and ideas of research.
- A brief description of the scientific and practical significance of the paper.
- A brief description of the research methodology.
- Main results and analysis, conclusions of the research.
- Research value (contribution of this work to the relevant field of knowledge).
- The practical significance of research results.
- Keywords are words/collocations - 3-5 words in Russian, Kazakh and English.
Next page (new):
- Introduction consists of the following main elements:
- Justification for the topic chosen; relevance of topic or problem. The chosen topics should be based on the description of our predecessors’ experience and report a problem to solve (lack of any research, the emergence of a new object, etc.). The relevance of the topic is due to general interest to the research object with a lack of comprehensive answers on relevant questions, which is proved by the theoretical or practical importance of the topic.
- Defining the object, subject, goals, objectives, methods, approaches, hypothesis, and meaning of your work. The purpose of the study is related to proof of thesis, that is presentation of the research subject in the aspect chosen by the author.
- Materials and Methods should consist of a description of materials and progress of work, as well as a full description of methods used.
- Characteristics or description of research materials includes its presentation in qualitative and quantitative terms. Characteristic of material is one of the factors determining the reliability of research conclusions and methods.
- This section describes how the problem was investigated: detailed information without repeating previously published established procedures; identification of hardware (software) and description of materials used, with the mandatory introduction of novelty when using materials and methods.
- Research methodology should include:
- research question(s);
- proposed hypothesis (thesis);
- research stages;
- research methods;
- research results.
- The literature review section should cover fundamental and new papers on the subject under study by foreign authors in English (at least 15 references), analysis of these works from the point of view of their scientific contribution, as well as gaps in research that authors supplement in their article.
- It is UNACCEPTABLE to have a lot of links that are not related to research, or inappropriate judgments about your own achievements, links to your previous work.
- In the Results and Discussion section, authors can analyze and discuss the results of their research. Conclusions on results obtained in the course of study are presented, the main essence is revealed. In addition, this is one of the most important sections of the article. It is necessary to analyze the results of research and discuss relevant results in comparison with previous work, analyses and conclusions.
- The conclusions section covers the generalization and summing up of work at this stage; truth confirmation of statements put forward, expressed by the author, and the author's conclusion about change in scientific knowledge, taking into account the results obtained. Conclusions should not be abstract, they should be used to summarize the results of research in a particular research area, with a description of proposals or opportunities for further work.
- The structure of conclusions should contain the following questions: What are the objectives and methods of research? What results were obtained? What are the conclusions? What are prospects and opportunities for implementation and application of developments or research results?
- The list of references consists of at least 10 titles of papers for natural science and technical areas and 15 titles for socio-humanitarian areas. A total number of titles in English should be at least 50%. If there are references presented in Cyrillic in the list of references, it is necessary to present the list of references in two versions: first - in the original language, second – in the Romanized alphabet (transliteration).
- The Romanized list of references should look like this: author (s) (transliteration) → (year in parentheses) → title of the article in the transliterated form [translation of article title into English in square brackets], name of Russian language source (transliteration, or English title – if any), output data with notation in English.
Example: Gokhberg L., Kuznetsova T. (2011) Strategiya-2020: novye kontury rossiiskoi innovatsionnoi politiki [Strategy 2020: New Outlines of Innovation Policy]. Foresight-Russia, vol. 5, no 4, pp. 8–30. The list of references is presented in alphabetical order, and ONLY those papers which are cited in the text.
- In this section authors should take into account:
- Style of reference list in Russian and Kazakh according to GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of compilation” (requirement for publications included in the CQASSHE list).
- Style of the Romanized list of references, as well as sources in English (another foreign language) for social and humanitarian areas - American Psychological Association (
- In this section authors should take into account:
- Main scientific publications, advanced research methods are cited, which are used in this field of research and on which the author’s work is based.
- Avoid excessive self-citations.
- Avoid excessive references to publications of authors from CIS/USSR period, use world research experience.
- References should contain fundamental and most relevant research papers published by well-known foreign authors and researchers on the topic of the article.
References to cited works in the text of socio-humanitarian areas are given in parentheses, indicating the first author of work, year of publication: page number (s). For Example, (Zaleski, 1991: 25). If there are several works of the same author published in the same year in the list of references, then letters "a", "b", etc. are added in addition to the year of publication. For example, (Saduova, 2001a: 15), (Saduova, 2001b, 22). For natural science articles, references should be placed in square brackets, indicating the number as the cited works appear in the text.
For bibliographic references, you can also use the Mendeley Reference Manager.
Payment for the publication - 2000 tenge per page.
Account details:
Non-profit joint-stock company «Al-Farabi Kazakh National University»
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