The UN and Kazakhstan: the diplomatic documents as a source on history of cooperation


  • С. Стамбулов
  • В. Горовой
  • Г. Акмадиева
        262 106


This article considers one of the sources of international relations such as diplomatic correspon- dence. Epistolary heritage did not require a separate characteristic of the diplomatic document previ- ously. With the development of international relations, except treaties and other diplomatic documents,



© 2018 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University



and due to the growing complexity of the international situation, the importance of diplomatic corre- spondence as separate type of documentation has increased. Diplomatic correspondence is important as a historical source in all its diverse manifestations. Consequently, diplomatic correspondence for study of relationships between the UN and the RK should be presented for source study not only as an episto- lary heritage, but also as an essential documentary series that was postponed in the archives of the First President of the RK. The authors studied a range of briefs which represents different forms of diplomacy on the international level. One of the sources that interest us the most is the archives which also helped to prepare Kazakhstan to get accepted into the UN. And later this also paves the way to Kazakhstan to get a seat as a non-permanent member at the UN Security Council.

Original sources are represented by archive documents of the President of the Republic of Kazakh- stan and now presented to the academic audience for the first time. These sources must contribute to the development of source studies of diplomatic correspondence.

Key words: foreign policy, diplomacy, diplomatic documents, diplomatic correspondence.


How to Cite

Стамбулов, С., Горовой, В., & Акмадиева, Г. (2018). The UN and Kazakhstan: the diplomatic documents as a source on history of cooperation. International Relations and International Law Journal, 83(3), 38–45. Retrieved from



Actual issues of international relations and diplomacy