Domestic and global problems in China’s environmental policy


  • Л. Исова
  • А. Милан
        94 480


The problem of climate change in the last few years has become one of the most popular in the
national discourses of the country as China’s.
In declarations and documents around the world, the climatic changes which are connected with
greenhouse gas emission are associated with economic development of PRC. The People’s Republic of
China is a major energy importer, thereby having its impact on the reserves of world’s natural resources.
Economic development and environmental degradation in China affect the inhabitants of other
countries as well. Joint international efforts are required to solve transboundary and global environmental
problems. Nowadays, China is a party to major international agreements in the field of environment
and development, is an active participant in international conferences, and also China collaborates on
issues of environment and development with many countries of the world. China currently ranks first
in terms of carbon dioxide emissions. In conditions of intensive industrial development, the country in
recent decades is experiencing significant environmental consequences of man-made activities. China’s
desire to implement its economic and political goals is in contradiction with the environmental conditions
of life of the population. Over the past two decades, the economic boom in China has caused an
increase in consumption and significantly worsened the environmental quality of life. The country needs
more and more natural resources, energy consumption is steadily growing. Nevertheless, China seeks
and finances scientific developments in the field of new technologies that promote the implementation
of the adopted environmental laws and initiatives.
Key words: China, globalization, ecology, environment, climate change, eco-policy, ecosystem,
sustainable development.


How to Cite

Исова, Л., & Милан, А. (2018). Domestic and global problems in China’s environmental policy. International Relations and International Law Journal, 81(1), 123–131. Retrieved from