Some aspects of fight against the international terrorism in Germany
The modern states of the world and their intelligence agency accumulated certain experience of fight
against terrorism and other extremist forces. From this point of view activities of the German state and
its law enforcement agencies deserve attention. The threat of terrorism is present at Germany several
decades. In recent years the main danger in Germany is constituted by the international Islamic terrorism.
Islamic networks in Germany stake, first of all, on persons with migrant roots and konvertit. On
announcements of security polices of Germany, the number of potential Islamic terrorists, that is the
persons posing a potential threat for public safety in recent years increased several times. At the beginning
of the 2000th in Germany realized that the most important solution of a problem of terrorism is high
coordination of all departments involved in fight and operation on an oprezheniye. The General Centre
of Protection against terrorism was for this purpose created. The Centre in itself is not any department,
but is designed to integrate operation more than forty different German federal and land institutions
in different directions of warning of threat of terrorism. Quite often in a press jump messages about
neutralization of terrorist groups or preventing of attempts of terrorist attacks in Germany. Against the
background of the latest events in the different European countries it is possible to draw a conclusion: the
German security polices work for conscience and the level of this operation is quite high.
Key words: Germany, state, terrorism, threat, law enforcement agencies, radical Salafis, safety, extremism.