Periods of formation and development of China's foreign policy concept


  • N. Mukamethanuly
  • B. А. Sabdenaliyev
        61 156


China, foreign policy, world order, Deng Xiaoping, hegemonism, security, multipolarity, regional stability,


 China occupies a leading position in the world in terms of economic development, population growth and a number of other major socio-economic indicators. At the same time, the country remains unresolved complex problems inherent in developing countries.
 As a result, almost all the global risks, from the point of view of the authorities of the PRC, have a high degree of relevance. Taking action against them is considered, on the one hand, as a way to strengthen the country's position in the world, on the other – as a tool for internal development , enabling sustain high growth rates.

 Chinese’s foreign policy became a serious object to research for the broad circle of scientists and analysts. Its today trends are directly tied to PRC’s foreign-policy concepts in the period of 1960-1990’s. Coverage of these aspects seems quite important for the prediction of Chinese future policy. The article is based on Russian, Kazakh and Chinese materials.


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How to Cite

Mukamethanuly, N., & Sabdenaliyev B. А. (2016). Periods of formation and development of China’s foreign policy concept. International Relations and International Law Journal, 66(2). Retrieved from