Some questions of prison education for re-socialization of convicted persons in the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • М. Sh. Kurmangali
  • Zh. B. Ilmaliyev Казахстанско-Британский технический университет, Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы
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education of convicts, re-socialization of convicts, penitentiary education, the execution of sentences,


The article is devoted to some issues of application of prison education in order to re-socialization of convicted persons in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Education convicted person specific socially significant tasks in different historical stages of the penal system. The criterion of the use of violence in solving intellectual problems is a good sign of diagnosing human activities. At the moment, the interests of the administration of the correctional institution and convicted with respect to education are the same. Unfortunately, the practice of educational training for many convicts is not socially significant interest, since at present does not give them real prospects. Experts formulate a scientific question about what kind of help can be general education and training in terms of changes in the value-regulatory system of the convicted person.


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How to Cite

Kurmangali М. S., & Ilmaliyev, Z. B. (2016). Some questions of prison education for re-socialization of convicted persons in the Republic of Kazakhstan. International Relations and International Law Journal, 71(3). Retrieved from