Presidency of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Organization of the Islamic Conference and its results


  • А. О. Karymsakov
        682 34


presidency, agenda, the main direction.


The active participation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), and the chairmanship of the Council of State for Foreign Affairs was an important event to our country. This presidency has affected cleverly come to the agenda of the organization, increase their importance, to find ways of resolving international conflicts, and also provided an opportunity to offer in the same direction of foreign policy initiatives and contributed to the development of bilateral relations with the developed countries of the Islamic world. Of course, equally apply these features are not possible. Because only one question of Palestine on the agenda for more than half a century, the organization can not find solutions, even when it is picked up, it is known that due to the many members of the point of convergence of positions in relation to this issue differ. This in turn would indicate failure of the organization, their inability to resolve the issues. Therefore, during the presidency of Kazakhstan drew attention to the development of bilateral and multilateral relations, especially economic and humanities. If you list some of them, ties are strengthening with financial institutions of the organization as the Islamic Development Bank, with specialized institutions such as the Standing Committee on Trade and Economic Cooperation. As an example of this is the fact that in our country is developing Islamic banking.


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