Тhe legal regime of the Arctic – new challenges and dimensions
Arctic, the UN Convention on the Law of 1982, the Commission on the boundaries, exclusive economic zone, continental shelfAbstract
The international legal regime of the Arctic with regard to the specifics of ice cover is based primarily on the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea since 1982. There is currently no military conflict for the possession of the territory, the demarcation of borders or the sea-bed. However, this does not exclude the possibility of a potential conflict in the near or distant perspective. The purpose of this paper is an analysis of the legal regime of Arctic, continental shelf, particular disputes on the establishment of boundaries between coastal waters, sovereign economic zones, continental shelves and the right to territorial sovereignty over the land in the Arctic.References
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v mezhdunarodnom kontexte //Sovremennaya Europa. – 2010. N 1. – P.28. <Access online> http://ces.vse.cz/wp-content/travnickova-arktida.pdf [cit 9.9.2011].
2 Timitchenko L. The Russian Arctic Sectoral Concept: Past And Present, 1996. <Access online> http://pubs.aina.ucalgary.ca/arctic/Arctic50-1-29.pdf. [cit 2.10.2011]3 Bird K. Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal: Estimates of Undiscovered Oil and Gas North of the Arctic
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4 Blank S. Russia in the arctic. – US Army war college, Carlisle: Strategic Studies Institute, 2011. 153 p.
<Access online>:http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pubs/display.cfm?pubid=1073.
5 Hossain K. 2009. International governance in Arctic // Yearbook of polar law, Vol. 2. -Leiden: Martinus
Nijhoff, 2009. – P. 139–169.
6 Byers, Michael. 2010. Who Owns the Arctic? Understanding Soveregnty Disputes in the North. – Vancouver/Toronto/Berkeley:
Douglas McIntyre, 2010. – 192 p.
7 Potochniy M., Ondrey J. Mezhdunarodnoe public law. – Prague: C. H. Beck, 2011. – 511 p.
8 Поточны M., Oндрей Й. Meждународное публичное право. – Прага: C. H. Beck, 2011. – 511 p.
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cdfai.org/PDF/The%20Newly%20Emerging%20Arctic%20Security%20Environment.pdf. [cit 22.10.2011].
11 Battle for the Arctic heats up // CBC News Canada, 2009. [цит. 20.10.2011] <Access online>: http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/cdnmilitary/arctic.html.
12 Beck P. The international politics of Antarctica. – Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 1987. 332 p.
13 Bosnan I. Cooperation or Confl ict in a Changing Arctic? // Ocean Development & International law. –2011, vol. 42. – P. 173–210.
14 Brubaker D. Governing Arctic Shipping: Finding a Role for the Arctic council // Yearbook of polar law,Vol. 2. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff, 2009. – P. 9–114.
15 Connley H. U. S. Strategic Interests in the Arctic: An Assessment of Current Challenges and New Opportunities
for Cooperation. [cit 25.10.2011] <Access online>: http://csis.org/fi les/publication/100426_Conley_USStrategicInterests_Web.pdf.
16 Daniel T. Sir Arthur Watts: Foreign Offi ce legal adviser who became a sought-after international lawyer, 2008. [cit 23.10.2011]. <Access online> http://www.indepdendent.co.uk/news/obituaries/sir-arthur-wattsforeign-offi
17 David V. Mezhdunarodnoye publichnoe pravo s kazuistikou. – Praga: «Leges», 2011. – 448 p.
18 Frankovska J. Atlas methods of ecological restoration time. – Bratislava: D. Stuhr State Institute of Geology, 2010.- 360 p.
19 Grimsson O. 2009. Opening adress at the second Akureyri Polar Law symposium // Yearbook of polar law. – Vol. 2. – Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff, 2009. – P. 1–6.
20 Karey G. Antarctica not a role model as fi ve Arctic nations call the shots and vie for resources, 2009.
[cit 18.10.2011]. <Access online>: http://www.platts.com/weblog/oilblog/2009/04/10/antarctica_not_a_role_model_as_five_arctic_nations_call_the_shots_and_vie_for_resources.html
21 Keil K. The EU in the Arctic “Game” – The Concert of Arctic Actors and the EU’s Newcomer Role,
2010. [cit 6.10.2011]. <Access online> http://www.ecprnet.eu/databases/conferences/papers/209.pdf.
22 Kleist M. Greenland’s self-government // Polar law Textbook. – 2010. Vol. 2. – Copenhagen: Nordic council of ministers. – P. 172–198.
23 Koivurona T. The Arctic – Navigational issues under international law of the sea // Yearbook of polar law. – Vol. 2, Leiden: Martinus, 2009.- P. 115–138.
24 Malenovski J. International Public Law. – Brno: Masaryk University, 2008. – 551 p.
25 Moore N. Cold conspirators: Ice crystals implicated in Arctic pollution, 2008. <Access online>: http://
26 Mraz C. International Public Law. – Banska Bystrica: M. Bela University. – 564 p.
27 Nowlan L. Arctic Legal Regime for Environmental Protection. [cit 28.9.2011]. <Access online> : http://weavingaweb.org/pdfdocuments/EPLP44EN.pdf.
28 O’Roubke R. Changes in the Arctic: Background and Issues for Congress. [cit 25.10.2011]. <Access online> http://www.nsf.gov/od/opp/opp_advisory/briefi ngs/may2009/nspd66_hspd25.pdf.
29 Russian Navy resumes military presence near Spitsbergen. [cit 8.10.2011] <Access online>: http://en.rian.ru/world/20080714/113914174.html.
30 Snow, water, ice and permafrost in the arctic. Arctic Monitoring and assessment programme <Access online> : http://amap.no/swipa/SWIPA2011ExecutiveSummaryV2.pdf. [cit 20.10.2011].
31 Trigs G. The Antarctic Treaty System: A Model of Legal Creativity and Cooperation // Science Diplomacy.
University of Sydney, 2006 [cit 25.10.2011] <Access online>: http://www.atsummit50.aq/media/book-8.pdf.
32 U.S. Leaders Support Law of the Sea Treaty. 2010, [cit 22.9.2011] <Access online> Доступ в Интернете:http://www.worldwatch.org/node/5993.
How to Cite
Mraz, S. (2016). Тhe legal regime of the Arctic – new challenges and dimensions. International Relations and International Law Journal, 61(1). Retrieved from https://bulletin-ir-law.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-mo/article/view/281
International relations and foreign policy