Conceptualization of the Problem of Climate Migration
Climate change has a negative impact on various aspects of human life. Environmental degradation caused by the negative effects of climate change has led to internal and external displacement of populations around the world. The number of displaced persons has reached record high levels, and the problem of climate change is exacerbating threats and further worsening the current situation.
This article attempts to clarify the definition of «climate migration». The ambiguity of the concept of «climate migration» allows us to develop a number of discourses that formulate the problem in different ways and define solutions. The problem of migration caused climate change is a complex problem does not have an obvious and simple solution.
The article examines the relationship between the effects of climate change and human migration and identifies the main factors influencing climate migration. Special attention is paid to the relationship between climate migration and its impact on the socio-economic development of countries.
Research data has show that climate change can affect migration indirectly, in particular through economic drivers, for example, through changes in livelihoods, and political drivers, for example, through conflicts over resources. The task is to understand the main factors that can mitigate or exacerbate migration, and to develop strategies that allow both active and humane management of these impacts, and to consider them comprehensively in the context of any actors that may lead to economic and political destabilization of regions of the world.
Key words: migration, population movement, climate migration, environmental migration, climate mobility, conceptualizaion.