Information Security in the Context of Ensuring National Security of Uzbekistan


  • N. Umarova Non-state scientific institution “Bilim karvoni”, Uzbekistan, Tashkent

        87 133


The article is devoted to the problems of preserving the information sovereignty of the state as a prerequisite for ensuring its national security. The conceptual apparatus of the research field is considered, the scientific interpretation of the terms “information security”, “information war”, “destructive propaganda”, “information warfare” and others is given.

It is noted that protecting the country’s information field from external harmful influences is a fundamental task of the state, which falls within the sphere of its national interests.

Uzbekistan has accumulated certain experience in ensuring information security, and the legislative, organizational and institutional foundations for this process have been created. However, the activities of authorized structures are more focused on protecting information systems and networks of strategic importance, while the issue of countering ideological expansion remains on the periphery of their attention. The authorities of the republic are not carrying out comprehensive, coordinated work to combat fakes and destructive propaganda, which poses a real danger to national interests.

The article examines specific cases of promoting Russian propaganda narratives in the Uzbek media segment. The vulnerabilities of the information security system of Uzbekistan are reflected and practical recommendations for eliminating them are provided, which include the creation of an early warning system for information attacks, cyber sabotage, manipulative actions from the outside with a built-in mechanism for rapid response and stopping such threats; improving the relevant legislative framework and adopting a holistic concept of information security in Uzbekistan; strengthening the potential of domestic media to counter destructive propaganda.






Contemporary issues of regional studies