Features and problems of the development of small and medium-sized businesses in Kazakhstan in modern conditions



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The development of small and medium-sized businesses is the key to the successful development of a market economy. International experience shows that for the successful development and functioning of small and medium-sized businesses, it is necessary to create an effective legal framework, protect and provide appropriate legal and financial support from the state.

The purpose of the article is to identify factors affecting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Kazakhstan, analyze the characteristics, trends and problems of small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as develop proposals for improving the efficiency and financing of small and medium-sized enterprises in the current crisis of the global economy. The authors analyzed the dynamics of the activities of small and medium-sized businesses in different sectors of the national economy over the past 10 years and identified the main factors influencing its development, pressing problems and current trends. The study used various methods of dialectics: analysis, generalization, synthesis, induction, deduction, statistical data on the number of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2010-2020 and conclusions using the SWOT analysis method. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the development of small and medium-sized businesses in Kazakhstan since its entry into the domestic economy in March 2020 was considered. The study identified the following main problems that reduce the efficiency of small and medium-sized enterprises, such as: weak links between science and production, bureaucracy and inflexibility of administrative and state structures, insufficient efficiency of mechanisms for state financing of small and medium-sized businesses. The authors give recommendations on improving the efficiency of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as state support for entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan in the context of a pandemic and a modern recession.


