Regional integration of the countries of Central Asia and environmental problems


  • G. Baikushikova
  • K. Tursynbek

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Now there is a problem of the transfer to the plane of the practical embodiment of strategic interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the international scene, and Central Asia in general. New global and regional integration trends demand calibration of integration policy of the countries of Central Asia for the purpose of use of their opportunities for social and economic and ecological development of the country, formation of own agenda in the international organizations and preservation of foreign policy of the countries taking into account the geoeconomic and geopolitical interests of the leading world powers designing the neo-Eurasian space. It is especially important to provide interstate cooperation, having filled it with constructive political and social and economic forms and mechanisms of cooperation. The ecological situation in many countries of the world can be characterized as unsuccessful now. At the same time negative ecological impacts do not recognize frontiers and negatively influence the habitat and quality of life of a large number of people including living in adjacent territories. Environmental problems in most cases get regional, and often both global characters, respectively, and measures for their decision also have to become international, demanding the clear coordinated policy of all co-present states and, the most important, their good will and readiness to divide responsibility for the decisions made at national and supranational level. This situation, in particular, is relevant for the countries of Central Asia.
Key words: integration, Central Asia, transboundary resources, water problems.






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