The UNESCO program on preservation of the historical and cultural heritage in Kazakhstan


  • F. Kukeeva
  • A. Zhanseitova
        65 62


The main purpose of this article is to point on the wide range of diverse threats to a conservation of the Kazakhstani cultural monuments inscribed to the UNESCO World Heritage List. For a better explanation of the conservational issues of the cultural heritage in Kazakhstan, the State historical, cultural and natural Museum-Reserve «Tanbaly» (Tamgaly) was selected as a case study. Actuality of this article is confirmed with the recent events that had a place within the Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, Talgar and Tamgaly World Heritage properties and that may lead even to the exception of those properties form the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Key words: conservational issues, cultural property, UNESCO World Heritage Centre, ICOMOS, monument, convention.






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