Analysis of Kazakhstan’s transport industry in modern conditions


  • А. Мырзахметова
        85 480


In the circumstances of the modern world countries that are located far from the main world mar- kets and don’t have access to the sea, as well as countries that are not open for cooperation in the field of world transport relations, are destined to economic stagnation. In the conditions of globalization of world economy, transit and development of the transport complex become main conditions of active participation of the countries in world trade and their intergradation into the world transport system. Development of the sector of transport, logistics and transit are also sources of state budget replenish- ment with additional income by payments for transitional and transport traffic. It is especially difficult to participate in the world economy for the countries that are located far away from the main trade markets. The factor of remoteness and underdevelopment of transport connection, high prices for neighbor coun- tries’ transport communication and necessity to cross the state borders cause significant transport ex- penses, which retards the development of landlocked countries, including Kazakhstan. In the article the author provides analyses of the state of development, transit potential and problems of various sectors of transport complex. The author detects specific features and modern trends of international transport traffic, makes conclusions and gives recommendations on development of this sector.

Key words: transit potential, transport complex, international transport corridors.


Как цитировать

Мырзахметова, А. (2018). Analysis of Kazakhstan’s transport industry in modern conditions. Halyk̦aralyk̦ k̦atynastar ža̋ne halyk̦aralyk̦ k̦u̇k̦yk̦ seriâsì / Халықаралық қатынастар және халықаралық құқық сериясы, 83(3), 79–87. вилучено із



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