The problem of energy security in the PRC foreign policy


  • M. Muyzenberg
  • L. Issova
  • G. Jumatai
        65 42


The article is devoted to the actual problem of ensuring the energy security of the PRC. In particular, China’s energy policy is being explored in the context of a significant increase in the role of energy resources in the world. The issue of implementing the energy policy in the light of national interest remains relevant for many countries in the world. For the People’s Republic of China, the energy factor becomes an important part of the state’s economic security, as the country imports more than 40% of the necessary energy resources. China’s energy strategy consists of the following tasks: maintaining low prices for oil and gas raw materials, ensuring stable oil supplies to China from abroad, developing domestic oil production and scientific knowledge of energy resources. In general, two components of China’s energy policy can be identified: the internal aspect is the containment of demand for energy resources within the country in order to reduce dependence on exporting countries; external aspect – strengthening of relations with the countries-suppliers of hydro carbonic raw materials. China, as one of the largest energy consumers, is currently heavily intertwined with the outside world. This situation of the country can not but have an impact on the development of the world economy. Therefore, due to its growing position, despite the slowdown in the growth of the economy, the Chinese leadership is trying to implement the country’s energy policy as efficiently as possible, taking into account national interests.
The article also discusses the topic of China’s multilateral relations with energy supplying countries in the conditions of the current global conjuncture.
Key words: energy resources, energy strategy, economy, importing country, exporting country, national interest, energy security.


