Conceptual problems of defining main types of offenses in the sphere of informatization


  • L. Tatarinova
  • O. Dzhanadilov
  • D. Tatarinov
        74 51


The article is devoted to the conceptual problems of determining the main types of offenses in the
field of informatization in terms of the norms of international law and the national legislation of the Republic
of Kazakhstan. The authors attempted to disclose the legal nature of each of the known criminal
laws of unlawful acts committed through IT technologies in the field of information. The results and
conclusions have a high practical importance, since they can be taken as a basis for qualifying acts as
offenses in the field of informatization.
This study was conducted through active application of both general scientific and private scientific
methods of cognition. The method of comparative analysis was actively used, by means of which the
authors compared existing approaches to the topic under study that take place in the science of international
law and criminal law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Of particular importance in this study is the
use of the statistical method, which made it possible to establish with scientific certainty which kinds of
offenses are taking place in global communication networks, to pay due attention to solving organizational
problems of detecting and identifying offenders in the field of global communication networks on
an international scale through operational search events.
Accordingly, this study is aimed at filling the existing gaps in the field of understanding the legal
nature of the main types of offenses in the field of information.
Key words: offenses, types, informatization, IT-technologies, cybercrime.


Как цитировать

Tatarinova, L., Dzhanadilov, O., & Tatarinov, D. (2018). Conceptual problems of defining main types of offenses in the sphere of informatization. Халықаралық қатынастар және халықаралық құқық сериясы, 81(1), 101–108. вилучено із



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