Military-Political Cooperation between Kazakhstan and the United States
Кілттік сөздер:
military-technical cooperation, struggle against terrorism, geopolitical location, NATO,Аннотация
The military-political aspect of cooperation between Kazakhstan and the U.S. is one of the important fields of interaction between the states. During the first years of independence the interests of the U.S. were around the Soviet nuclear weapons located on the Kazakhstani territory. Cooperation in the militarypolitical field develops also on the structural level through NATO. After the events of September 11 the US proclaimed a war against terrorism. The struggle against terrorism became one of the major challenges of the US foreign policy. Therefore due to its geopolitical and strategic location the role of Kazakhstan increased. In this article will be made an attempt to trace the dynamics of Kazakhstani-U.S. relations in the military-political direction.Библиографиялық сілтемелер
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7 Nogayeva A.M.TheinterestandSafetyproblemsUSACA // Vestnik KazNU (Seriya istoricheskaya). 2012. – №4 (67). – P. 71-77.
8 Gorenburg D. External Support for Central Asian Military and Security Forces. Working paper. Stockholm International
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9 LaruelleМ., PeyrouseS., Regionalniye organizatsii v Tsentralnoy Asii: kharakteristiki vzaimodeystviy, dilemmy effectivnosti
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13 TsentralnayaAsiyasegodnya: vyzovyiugrozy / Edited K.L. Syroezhkin. – Almaty: KazISS under the President of RK, 2011. – 456 p.
– Almaty: KazISS under the President of RK, 2009. – 440 p.
2 NicholJ. CentralAsia: RegionalDevelopmentsandImplicationsforU.S. Interests. CongressionalResearchService. SRCReportfor
Congress. March 21, 2014. – 83 p.
3 PolitikaIinteresymirovykh derzhav v Kazakhstane / Edited byB.Sultanov. – Almaty: Dike-Press, 2002. – 238 p.
4 Kazakhstan: 20 let nezavisimosti / Edited by B.K.Sultanov. – Almaty: KazISS under the President of RK, 2011. – 408 p.
5 MedeubayevaZh.M. Istoriya formirovaniya vneshnepoliticheskoy doctriny Respubliki Kazakhstan (1991-2010 gody). Astana:
Master Po, 2012. – 297p.
6 Nurgaliyev M. Kazakhstansko-amerikanskoe voenno-politicheskoe sotrudnichestvo v kontekste geopoliticheskikh interesov
SShAv Tsentralnoy Asii // Tsentralnaya Asiya I Kavkaz. 2007. – №2 (50). – P. 61-71.
7 Nogayeva A.M.TheinterestandSafetyproblemsUSACA // Vestnik KazNU (Seriya istoricheskaya). 2012. – №4 (67). – P. 71-77.
8 Gorenburg D. External Support for Central Asian Military and Security Forces. Working paper. Stockholm International
Peace Research Institute. January, 2014. – 96 p.
9 LaruelleМ., PeyrouseS., Regionalniye organizatsii v Tsentralnoy Asii: kharakteristiki vzaimodeystviy, dilemmy effectivnosti
// UCACommunicationsDepartment. – Bishkek: Universitet Tsentralnoy Asii. Institut gosudarstvennoy politiki I upravleniya.
Doklad №10, 2013. – P. 66.
11 Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan //
12 TroitsliyЕ. Politika SShA v Tsentralnoy Asii v sfere bezopasnosti: vliyzniye na mezhdunarodniye otnosheniya v regione (2001-2007 gg.) // Istoriya. 2009. – 3 marta. – Pp. 107-109.
13 TsentralnayaAsiyasegodnya: vyzovyiugrozy / Edited K.L. Syroezhkin. – Almaty: KazISS under the President of RK, 2011. – 456 p.
Как цитировать
Сомжурек, Б. Ж., & Какенова, З. А. (2016). Military-Political Cooperation between Kazakhstan and the United States. Халықаралық қатынастар және халықаралық құқық сериясы, 67(3). вилучено із
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