Cooperation in Oiland Gas Fields between Republic of Kazakhstan and People’s Republic of China
Кілттік сөздер:
Pipeline, bilateral relations, KazMunaiGas, CNPC, investments, national interests,Аннотация
“The project of a century” was called a construction in 2005 of the main pipeline of Atasu-Alashankou. The Kazakhstan-Chinese pipeline was founded by JSC KazTransOil and CNPC became the customer and the owner of the pipeline. Extent of the oil pipeline of Atasu-Alashankou made about 962,2 km. From them 960 km in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and 2,2 km in the territory of the People’s Republic of China. For today, considering successful experience of construction of the oil pipeline of Atasu-Alashankou, Kazakhstan and China intend to work and realize new breakthrough projects. Demonstration of intentions of long-term cooperation of both countries is signing “Agreements on the basic principles of construction of the second stage of the oil pipeline Kazakhstan-China between JSC Oil Company KazMunaiGas and the Chinese National Oil Company”. This document showed sharp interest of Astana and Beijing in activization of bilateral energy cooperation.Kazakhstan party plans construction Kenkiyak-Kumkol that becomes touch-up in connection of already existing oil pipelines of Kenkiyak-Atyrau, Kumkol-Atasu, Atasu-Alashankou, and creation of an uniform power transport corridor which will allow to transport oil from fields of the western and central Kazakhstan in the direction in the People’s Republic of China.Библиографиялық сілтемелер
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4 Weign Merry E. V Tsentralnoi Aziyi idiyot ne takaya uzh bolshaya igra //Analitic-Analiticheskoye obozreniye. -2001. -№3.–S.31-33
5 Ashimbayev M.S.,Kurganbayeva G.A. “Neftegazoviye resursiy Kazahstana v sisteme miroviyh i regionalniyh otnosheniyi”. –Almaty: KISI, 2002, str.108
6 Hlyupin V. Geopoliticheskiyi treugolnik. Kazahstan – Kitay – Rossiya. Proshloye i nastoyashee. Pogranichniye problemy. M.,
Mezhdunarodniy evraziyiskiyi institut ekonomicheskih i politicheskih issledovaniyi (Vashington), 1999, str.203
7 Rashid A. Noviy globalniy neftyanoi kontsern. Strategicheskaya rol Kitaya v Tsentralnoy Aziyi //http://www.deutschebotschaftoskau.
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8 Lelyveld M. Kazakhstan: Officials Issue Contradictory Declarations// asp (28.01.2013)
9 SyroyezhkinK.L. Velikiyi projekt //Kontinent, -2000, -№12, -С.25-28
10 PanchenkoU. «Dobychyairashodovaniyeneftyanyh dohodov» (13.11.2011)
11 U Yaoven. Za posledniye tri goda razrabotkiyi aktyubinskih mestorozhdeniyi KNNK poluchila pribyl boleye $300 mln. //http:// (05.10.2011)
12 Mao Tsedun. Borba za uluchsheniye finansovo-ekonomicheskogo polozheniya strany. – M., Mezhdunarodniye otnosheniya 1955, S. – 124.
2 Abishev A. “Nekotoriye aspekti kaspiyiskoi geopolitiki”. Vystupleniye na mezhdunarodnoi kazahstansko-indiyiskoy
konferenciyi. “Problemy bezopasnosti v Tsentralnoy Aziyi” Almaty, Kazahstan, 29-30 octyabrya 2001. //
Caspian_oil/Geopolytic.html (23.11.2012)
3 Karin E.T., Tulegulov A.K. Obostreniye borby za kaspiyiskuyu neft i “kitayskyi proryv” v regione //Sayasat.-1999.-№2.-S.48-51
4 Weign Merry E. V Tsentralnoi Aziyi idiyot ne takaya uzh bolshaya igra //Analitic-Analiticheskoye obozreniye. -2001. -№3.–S.31-33
5 Ashimbayev M.S.,Kurganbayeva G.A. “Neftegazoviye resursiy Kazahstana v sisteme miroviyh i regionalniyh otnosheniyi”. –Almaty: KISI, 2002, str.108
6 Hlyupin V. Geopoliticheskiyi treugolnik. Kazahstan – Kitay – Rossiya. Proshloye i nastoyashee. Pogranichniye problemy. M.,
Mezhdunarodniy evraziyiskiyi institut ekonomicheskih i politicheskih issledovaniyi (Vashington), 1999, str.203
7 Rashid A. Noviy globalniy neftyanoi kontsern. Strategicheskaya rol Kitaya v Tsentralnoy Aziyi //http://www.deutschebotschaftoskau.
ru/ru/bibliothek/internationale-politik/1998-03/article04.html (12.12.2011)
8 Lelyveld M. Kazakhstan: Officials Issue Contradictory Declarations// asp (28.01.2013)
9 SyroyezhkinK.L. Velikiyi projekt //Kontinent, -2000, -№12, -С.25-28
10 PanchenkoU. «Dobychyairashodovaniyeneftyanyh dohodov» (13.11.2011)
11 U Yaoven. Za posledniye tri goda razrabotkiyi aktyubinskih mestorozhdeniyi KNNK poluchila pribyl boleye $300 mln. //http:// (05.10.2011)
12 Mao Tsedun. Borba za uluchsheniye finansovo-ekonomicheskogo polozheniya strany. – M., Mezhdunarodniye otnosheniya 1955, S. – 124.
Как цитировать
Mukan, S. M., & Sapanov, S. Z. (2016). Cooperation in Oiland Gas Fields between Republic of Kazakhstan and People’s Republic of China. Халықаралық қатынастар және халықаралық құқық сериясы, 66(2). вилучено із
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