Key Events in Transformation of Spanish Foreign Policy


  • Б. Ж. Сомжурек, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana
  • A. K. Кұрмашев
        38 22

Кілттік сөздер:

European Union, NATO, security, foreign policy,


This article basically reveals some keystone events in transforming Spain’s foreign policy as well as representing the multifaceted and complex nature of the Spanish integration process into European Community on the basis of theories of famous figures of political sciences and current political trends. It also seeks to highlight the internal and external dynamics which influence the workings of Spain foreign policy department and its relationship with the rest the world. In the turn of millennia, Spanish foreign policy has centered around four overarching issues: Europeanization of foreign policy; a national security review; external peacekeeping operations; and restructuring European security institutions.

Библиографиялық сілтемелер

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3 Ramon Torrent. Interview with General Secretariat. – Madrid, 7 January 1998.
4 Francisco Elias de Tejada. Interview with Deputy Director of CFSP, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. – Madrid, 19 May1998.
5 Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional. Presidencia Gobierno, 2013 (Mayo). - URL: <
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ICPS59.pdf> – 1997 - P.45
7 NATO Rome Declaration, 18 November 1991. - URL: <>
8 Seguridad en Euгoра: UEO у OTAN, Escuela Diplomatica.- Madrid, 1994.
9 WEU Declaration, Council of Ministers, Petersberg. - 1992




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