Culture as a factor promoting the positive image of a country: the case of Italy


  • A. Б. Кузембаева
  • С. Б. Даярди
        89 44

Кілттік сөздер:

country image, cultural diplomacy, Italian Cultural Institutes, ENIT,


The paper addresses the issue of the country’s image from a perspective, aiming to identify and analyze the ways in which cultural diplomacy can support the branding process. The article discusses the role of cultural diplomacy in promoting Italy’s positive image abroad. The article explores Italian application of soft power through culture and language promotion, and cultural tourism. The analysis was conducted by assessing official documents. The author stresses that the instruments of cultural diplomacy are not fully supported in promoting the image of Italy in the world’s communication channels, and it reduces the efficiency of image policy. Such problems as the absence of unified strategy, combining the various initiatives of ministries and departments at central and regional levels, and funding restrictions obstruct to effective application of soft power instruments

Библиографиялық сілтемелер

1 Anholt, S., What is a Nation Brand?, Superbrands, http://www.
2 La Nuova Farnesina per il Sistema Paese// ministero/pubblicazioni/allegati/20110615_farnesina_
3 Turismo Italia 2020. Leadership, lavoro, sud. Piano Strategico per lo sviluppo del turismo in Italia // download/demanio/agenzia/5_Piano_strategico_del_Turismo_2020.pdf
4 Why Italy turned to crowdfunding to preserve its culture //
5 In Italy culture is worth, and creativity even more //
6 Italy’s cultural heritage at risk amid neglect and bad management – with private sponsors brought in to help protect iconic landmarks //




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