Trends of business-tourism in the global market


  • Н. E. Дабылтаева
        45 33

Кілттік сөздер:

urism, business tourism, tourist market, market, travel packages, tours,


The prerequisites for sustainable development of tourism is also a perception that tourism is today – it’s more than just a trip; it became urgent needs of humanity as capable of resolving one of the global needs of our time – the problem of effective time management, opening up the possibility of parallel, and at the same time to effectively implement the two functions – social (recreational, spiritual and humanitarian) and professional business (agreements, meetings , the strategic objectives of the company, etc.). Actually, this explains the increase in the share of business tourism in the total volume of tourist services (according to the World Tourism Organization, the growth over the past five years was almost twice). Therefore, studies on the issues of business tourism as one of the most promising areas of international tourism, is important, relevant and timely demanded at the national level.

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