Development of education system in Kazakhstan
Кілттік сөздер:
Kazakhstan, education, economy, development, reforms in education, PresidentАннотация
Education is one of the most important engines of society on a way to modernization. As a social enterprise it takes place in the center of globalized world events. It includes a number of activities, education appeares in different spheres of our lives simultaneously as a transfer tool of culture and social traditions, a source of innovation and invention, also a means of interpretation and understanding issues happening in the world. Nowadays growth of interdependence caused the growth of demand for skills in world labor market, in this regard education plays a huge role to satisfy social needs. The higher education in Kazakhstan faces opportunities and chellenges as importance of the country on the international scene grows. It is a vital resource for Kazakhstan’s future and serves as the supplier of the human and intellectual capital, and as the engine of economic development. Due to the importance of quality higher education a number of reforms took place in this sphere, for example, entering to Bologna Process, carrying out the international accreditation of universities, etc. Also the close interrelation between economic development and education is emphasized in the articleБиблиографиялық сілтемелер
1 Strategy of Kazakhstan occurrence in number of 50 competitive countries in the world//
2 Konstituciya Respubliki Kazakhstan.
3 UNESCO The world report on education monitoring, 2010
4 UN Human Development Report, 2009
5 RK Ministry of Education and Science report, 2011
6 T. Аdilov Sistema obrazovaniya v Kazakhstane: shag vpered, dva nazad.
7 WEF Reports on global competitiveness of 2005-2011
8 Gosudarstvennaya programma razvitiya obrazovaniya Respubliki Kazakhstanna 2011-2020 gody.
9 Kazakhstan continues modernization of education system/ Ofi cial’nyi internet resurs Ministerstva Truda I Social’noi Zashity Naseleniya Respubliki Kazakhstan/
10 Journal of International Scientifi c Publications//http://www.scientifi
2 Konstituciya Respubliki Kazakhstan.
3 UNESCO The world report on education monitoring, 2010
4 UN Human Development Report, 2009
5 RK Ministry of Education and Science report, 2011
6 T. Аdilov Sistema obrazovaniya v Kazakhstane: shag vpered, dva nazad.
7 WEF Reports on global competitiveness of 2005-2011
8 Gosudarstvennaya programma razvitiya obrazovaniya Respubliki Kazakhstanna 2011-2020 gody.
9 Kazakhstan continues modernization of education system/ Ofi cial’nyi internet resurs Ministerstva Truda I Social’noi Zashity Naseleniya Respubliki Kazakhstan/
10 Journal of International Scientifi c Publications//http://www.scientifi
Как цитировать
Ормышева T. A. (2016). Development of education system in Kazakhstan. Халықаралық қатынастар және халықаралық құқық сериясы, 61(1). вилучено із
Сыртқы саясат пен халықаралық қатынастардың қазіргі мәселелері