Prospects for the development of transport and logistics cluster in the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • N. Е. Dabyltaeva
  • А. М. Nurjanova Т. Рысқұлов атындағы Жаңа экономикалық университеті, Қазақстан Республикасы, Алматы қ.
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transport, logistics, cluster, terminal, transport and logistics cluster, macrologistical system,


The results of the analysis of the transport and logistics sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan suggests that is not continuous renewal of transport and logistics infrastructure is not optimized resources that does not provide a given level of quality logistics services in the region. The most effective of the possible options for the development of transport and logistics clusters is the formation of a regional logistics system, which is integrated into the national system and macrologistical transnational logistics system, operating in the framework of international transport corridors. National macrologistical system will build a unified logistic framework for the country as a whole. However, for the most efficient of its functioning is necessary to consider the regional aspects.


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How to Cite

Dabyltaeva N. Е., & Nurjanova А. М. (2016). Prospects for the development of transport and logistics cluster in the Republic of Kazakhstan. International Relations and International Law Journal, 70(2). Retrieved from