Contracts intellectual property rights according to the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • И. Зенин
  • А. Амангельды
        51 63


Intellectual rights in the Russian Federation and intellectual property rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan are relatively recent sub-sectors of civil law. In this regard, the features of the approaches of the Russian and Kazakh legislators on contractual regulation of relations in the above sphere of law are analyzed. The content of agreements on creation of objects of intellectual property rights, granting and transfer of exclusive rights in the field of copyright, related rights, patent law, means of individualization of participants of civil turnover, goods, works and services, non-traditional objects of intellectual property rights (selection achievements, topology of integrated circuits, know-how). Controversial issues of the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, in particular, codification of the fourth part of the Civil code of the Russian Federation are considered. The discussion about the content of such concepts as «intellectual rights», «intellectual property», «common technologies», «exclusive rights» is revealed. Changes in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in connection with the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 20, 2018 № 161-VI ZRK «on amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on improvement of legislation in the field of intellectual property»are analyzed.
Key words: agreement, intellectual rights, intellectual property right, exclusive right, Russian Federation, Republic of Kazakhstan.


