US information operations in the context of cybersecurity


  • Г. Мовкебaевa
  • Ж. Отызбaевa
        34 31


The information technologies’ broad-scale development in the end of XX – beginning of XXI century, total computerization of government and public bodies, as well as of armed forces largely transformed the methods and techniques, the nature of the states’ information activities. The concept of cyber security is not uniquely defined by different experts. The American approach to the concepts of cyberspace and cyber security is proposed in the article. The main cyber security concepts as cyberspace, cyber security, information operations are disclosed due to an analysis of American studies and official documents. The United States is the undisputed leader in cyberspace. So it is important to examine the US cyber structures. And finally, the paper explores American cyber insecurity factors.
Key words: information operations, cyber security, the United States, cyberspace, information warfare.


