The main stages and current issues of international franchising development in Kazakhstan


  • Ж. Сaнибек
  • Л. Медухaновa
        28 15


Currently, one of the fastest growing and promising areas of business organization is franchising. According to experts, more than 50% of global business will operate under a franchise system in the 21st century, the second half will be its supplier. Initially, the emergence and development of the franchise acquired an international character in Kazakhstan. The basic stages of formation and development of international franchising in Kazakhstan is considered in article, current problems of its growth, as well as their solutions. The authors identify four main phases of development of franchising in the country, note the fragmentation of its distribution, emphasize the main foreign brands in the domestic market, also, designate the main measures that may contribute to its further development.
Key words: franchising, entrepreneurship, small business, brands, technology.


