Realisation of PRC’s «One belt, one way» strategy


  • М. Аугaн
  • Лю Сaй ᅠ
        32 24


In the II century BC a transcontinental trade route, most of which runs through Central Asia, was created between China and Europe. By the late 19th century, the trade route had become known by the German Orientalists as the «Silk Road». «Peace and cooperation, openness and tolerance, exchange of experience and mutual benefit» were the main slogans representing the trade route. In September and October of 2013, during his visit to Kazakhstan and Indonesia, Chinese President Xi Jinping put forward a proposal on joint formation with the countries concerned with the «Silk Road Economic Belt» and «Marine Silk Road of XXI century». Kazakhstan is actively involved in the realization of this ambitious project. «One belt one way» includes 65 Asian and European countries, whom together, posses a total GDP totaling more than $ 27 trillion. According to Beijing, China’s leadership in the new organization, and the construction of inter-country cooperation under the leadership of China in Eurasia, provides an example to other countries striving to build relationships of a similar algorithm.
Key words: Silk Road, Silk Road Foundation, one belt, one way, economy, investment, trade.


