Introduction to the economic global studies: the problems of poverty and international cooperation


  • R. Е. Elemesov
        35 28


poverty, misery, forms of poverty, absolute poverty, poverty measure, global, regional and national poverty measure, the cost of living, the MDGs, ODA, the liberalization of international trade,


In this paper poverty is regarded as one of the major global problems of mankind, which is associated with such dangerous for sustainable human development phenomena as forced migration, transnational crime, terrorism, drug trafficking, etc. and are becoming more and more pronounced international character. For these reasons, and the fight against poverty and its manifestations requires close international cooperation. The main instrument of coordination of international cooperation in the fight against poverty is the «Millennium Development Goals» (MDGs), adopted by the UN in 2000. The main instruments to achieve the stated goals are the official development assistance (ODA), debt relief for developing countries, government and international trade liberalization.


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