Women of Kazakhstan in politics and in the international arena: gender problems


  • R. Е. Sarbayeva
        81 48


gender policy, decision-making, elections, gender analysis, leadership, power,


The theme of women’s participation in decision-making is very important and urgent. It is difficult to overestimate, because without understanding and realizing it, we will not be able to make real steps towards economic and political advancement of women in society.
In this article the emphasis is placed by the author to the political status of women, the lighting of the influence of women on the political situation in modern Kazakhstan. Statistics is provided by the author, which confirms that women are poorly represented at decision-making level in Kazakhstan. The author shows several approaches to the explanation of the reasons for the gender discourse in the political life of the community, identifies some of the main reasons for the low representation of women in politics and barriers to participation in elections.


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