The position of the nuclear powers regarding a zone free of nuclear weapons in Central Asia


  • Zh. D. Kosherbaev
        50 28


Zone free of nuclear weapons, Central Asia, the nuclear powers, Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons,


This article discusses the position of nuclear powers with respect to a zone free of nuclear weapons in Central Asia. Showing the most difficult issues in the negotiations on the establishment of a NWFZ in Central Asia and its regional characteristics. Notes geopolitical importance of establishing a zone free of nuclear weapons in Central Asia (CA NWFZ). Also in the paper analyzed the process of registration of contractual international legal status of a NWFZ in Central Asia. The authors concludes that the development of ideas and the creation of a nuclear-free zone in the region contributes to the strengthening of trust between States, security, compliance with non-proliferation regime. However, proponents of a NWFZ in other regions of the world may take into account the experience of the Central Asian NWFZ.


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