The historical aspect of the formation of the diplomatic practice of independent Kazakhstan


  • Г. Aкмaдиевa
        65 320


The article deals with the historical aspect of the formation and development of diplomatic service of modern Kazakhstan. The author considers goals of the diplomatic practice of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the beginning of the independence. Also, it is paid the attention on diplomats who worked in the period of formation of the independence. It is analyzed development periods and main goals of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the present stage. The author considers legislative and regulatory base of diplomatic practice of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The author offers his vision of the conceptual foundations of foreign policy and diplomacy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The article analyzed the development and legal regulation of the organization of the diplomatic service of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The material is presented in the context of the historical ways of improving the diplomatic service of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the comparison of institutions and norms of the foreign policy of developing modern Kazakhstan.
Key words: diplomacy; diplomatic service; foreign policy; Republic of Kazakhstan; Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


How to Cite

Aкмaдиевa Г. (2018). The historical aspect of the formation of the diplomatic practice of independent Kazakhstan. International Relations and International Law Journal, 77(1), 32–37. Retrieved from



Actual problems of international relations and diplomacy