Korean-Uzbek cooperation in energy field


  • М. А. Augan
  • Zh. Aldabergenova
        47 45


East Asia, Korea, Uzbekistan, economy, export, import, energy resources, fields, company,


Economical development and increasing quality of life in East Asian countries make their economies more and more energy dependent. Korea is deeply dependent on importers and has low level of diversification of imported energy.To solve aforementioned problem Korea has increased mutual energy exchanges. Korean capital is distinguished by its high level of activity in oil and gas industry of other developing countries. Korean companies have invested a lot on exploration and extraction projects of oil and gas in Uzbekistan. National Holding Company «Uzbekneftegaz» in cooperation with Daewoo International, KNOC, KOGAS, Honam Petrochemical Corp, SK Gaz, STX Energy, Samsung Engineering and Mirae Electric Co has been active in the restoration of old fields, using foreign experience and technology. Korea cooperates in all sectors of fuel and energy industry of Uzbekistan and gets the maximum benefit in the global competition for energy resources of the CA.


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How to Cite

Augan М. А., & Aldabergenova, Z. (2016). Korean-Uzbek cooperation in energy field. International Relations and International Law Journal, 70(2). Retrieved from https://bulletin-ir-law.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-mo/article/view/84