The statement of foreign trade policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the present stage
Today in the conditions of market economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan the role and value of foreign trade policy defining development of economy of each country are analysed and designated as an important factor of increase in efficiency of economy.
Compliance to national economic interests of foreign trade policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and possibility of increase in competitiveness on the international scene are described.
The country entered on a new stage of social and economic modernization and democratization now, besides is confirmed that for Kazakhstan demographic changes, economic globalization, economic growth of developing countries, acceleration of technological processes, important tendencies of world consumption of energy are considerable processes.
The author declares that for successful development of foreign economic relations of Kazakhstan is
tended, favorable for primary contracts. First of all the state of the economy of each country at the high
level in market conditions believes about the connection with foreign trade.
Arguments about need to Kazakhstan for development of the world market of carrying out the
chosen and serially realized policy and planned continuation of opening for the outside world of the
international economic complexes were given.
The author considers the correct foreign policy of the state leaders and in connection with its effective
carrying out concludes about need obligatory to reach economic achievements.
Key words: economic globalization, international competition, market relationship, foreign trade
policy, export and import.