The Eurasian Union and the Republic of Kazahstan
Eurasian Union, Kazakhstan, idea, N.A. Nazarbaev, development,Abstract
Article is dedicated to one of the pressing issues of contemporary Eurasian Union and Kazakhstan. In the scientific article, the author examines the emergence of the Eurasian ideas stages of its development. Implementation and creation of the Eurasian Economic Union and its importance in world politics. The article examines the rise and development of Kazakhstan’s economic level, depending on the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union, there are also seen improvement in relations between the countries of the Union. N.A.Nazarbaev initiative was timely to this stage of development of the CIS countries. Eurasian idea had strategic importance and was aimed at winning over the post-Soviet problems. The idea of a Eurasian Union implies preservation of the territorial and economic independence of the acceding countries. The main direction of the Eurasian Union – a pragmatic and economic mutually beneficial cooperation.References
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How to Cite
Baigondin R. Т. (2016). The Eurasian Union and the Republic of Kazahstan. International Relations and International Law Journal, 70(2). Retrieved from
International relations and foreign policy