Actual issues of copyright in the cultural industry – the Korean perspective


  • Хон Сун Ки ᅠ
        57 56


The article is devoted to the notion of copyright, topical issues of copyright, protection of authors, as well as the notion of non-property rights in Korean legislation. Copyright is a set of rules that determine the legal status of the author when developing a software product. The law on copyright is a section of civil law that regulates communications related to the production and use of works of science, literature, art; it is governed by international conventions on national legislation and copyright laws. The history and current state of copyright of the Republic of Korea is analyzed. Legislation in the field of copyright in the Republic of Korea has over time become more stringent. In the 1950s, public opinion in South Korea did not consider such actions as copying books equivalent to theft. Since then, Korean legislation has been amended several times to protect the interests of various industries that create copyrighted works, and to bring Korean legislation into line with international standards, such as the standards of the World Intellectual Property Organization.And also tells about the development of copyright in the Republic of Korea. In this article, the author reviewed normative acts that regulate copyright, the problems of protecting the rights of authors.
This article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of amendments to the law on copyright. The author comes to the conclusion that amendments to the law require more effective legislative regulation.
And also tells about the development of copyright in the Republic of Korea. In this article, the author
reviewed normative acts that regulate copyright, the problems of protecting the rights of authors.
Key words: author, copyright, culture, non-property rights, intellectual right, intellectual property.


