Climate change policy: an assessment of us foreign policy
In this article the problem of global climate changes as the one of the main current environmental
problems was analyzed. The United States is the most important actor in on-going climate change negotiations.
It is the greatest emitter of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and has the financial resources that can be
used to address climate change on a global scale. In this article, there is attempt to answer the question
of the extent the United States has taken on its fair share of the burdens associated with climate change.
With this in mind, the article endeavors to answer this question through the making analysis of current
(D.Trump), and previous (G.W.Bush and B.Obama) administrations’ policies in this field. The impact of
domestic forces were analyzed. It describes the opposing stances on climate change taken by Republican
and Democratic leaders. Their policies continuity and essential features were revealed. The authors
argue that the strong relationship between natural resource dependence (coal and oil) and opposition to
climate policies is a constant feature of the U.S. climate policy debate.
Key words: environmental problems, the problem of climate change, foreign policy, greenhouse
gases, international cooperation, the Paris Agreement.