Kazakh-French relations in the modern etape


  • К. N. Makasheva
  • А. А. Junisbekova
        369 134


France, the European Union, independence, mutual understanding, a guarantee of security, cooperation, attitude,


France is one of the leading states of the European Union. On many important issues is determining its position and serves as a model for other states. French-Kazakh relations began immediately after the declaration of independence of our country. 7 January 1992 the French Republic recognized the sovereignty of the Republic of Kazakhstan. January 25, 1992 diplomatic relations were established between the two countries. from the first years of cooperation of the Kazakh-French political dialogue has gained quite regular. Politically, Kazakhstan and France have reached a fairly high level of understanding and hold similar positions and views on the most topical issues of the modern world. France, among other nuclear states has provided our country security guarantees, considering it as a guarantor of stability in the region and a bridge between Europe and Asia In this article the development of Kazakh-French relations and cooperation between the two countries under the President of France F. Hollande. The main directions of bilateral relations, the analysis of the main areas of cooperation. Identified prospects for further cooperation.


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