International Aspects of Spam in Internet and the Problem of their Jurisdiction


  • М. Sh. Alpeissova
  • Т. К. Erdzhanov
        36 19


spam, unsolicited commercial e-mail, Internet regulation, Internet service providers,


As both the Internet and the volume of its users continue to grow, it is not surprising that legal problems associated with the Internet also continue to develop in every area of the law. Unsolicited commercial e-mail has been one of the more controversial aspects of the Internet revolution. The technology allows business to send large quantities of advertisements at an extremely low cost. Individuals, however, are angered by seeing their e-mail accounts filled with solicitations they do not wish to receive. In this article are analyzed the acts of some foreign states directed on fight against spam and the international measures for prevention of spam sending. On the basis of the analysis some main approaches to regulation of fight against spam at national and international level are allocated.


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