Formation and implementation of the policy of international scientific and technical cooperation of the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • Акмарал Миралиева
        47 57


The author of the article gives the concept and describes the tasks of international scientific and
technical cooperation, as well as the conditions that determine its development. The review of the current
state of development of cooperation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the scientific and technical
sphere and the sphere of economy was reviewed, the advantages of international relations, their influence
on the state of the economy and the country’s position in the world arena were considered. The
well-established system of international relations of the republic has a wide scope, covering various areas
of activity. The development of cooperation between states contributed to the emergence of organizations
of global and regional importance. The aggravation of global problems has led to an increase in the
role of multilateral cooperation, which consists in supporting countries and their unification in various
alliances, coalitions, communities and other forms of cooperation. To regulate the policy of international
cooperation, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan has developed a whole set of bills and strategies
that have formulated tasks and objectives for the country’s entry into the list of the fifty most competitive
countries in the world and to consolidate its position in the world arena. The article examines the directions of cooperation of the RK with the countries of Europe, Asia and the Russian Federation.


