Energy factor in the cooperation of the eaeu: problems and perspectives

проблемы и перспективы


  • Галия Мовкебаева
  • Эльмира Айдарханова
  • Айдана Сунгатова
        41 51


The relevance of the research is determined by the role of energy factor in the modern international
economic relations. At the current stage energy turns into one of the world’s essential problems. The role
of the energy factor increases not only in relations between individual countries and regions but also
on an international level. In the article the role of energy factor in ensuring stability is considered within
the confines of the Eurasian Economic Union; the importance of energy policy-making for the Eurasian
Economic Union is identified; main principles in the formation of common markets of oil, gas and petroleum
products are identified; main problems, that require solving during the formation of the energy integration of the EAEU are pointed out: some recommendations for the energy policy-making of the
EAEU are given. Comprehensive analysis is based on a combination of a systemic approach, empirical
research, institutional and structural-functional analysis level-sectoral analysis, SWOT – analysis and the
comparative-historical method carried out to achieve goals and objectives.
The article concludes that the development of cooperation in the energy sector is conditioned by
the need to deepen the integration of energy markets by the uneven distribution of energy resources,
establishing a mutually beneficial energy dialogue and optimizing the emerging infrastructure and investing
in this sector.


