Introduction of innovative technologies in the process of post-graduate education – the basis of professional competence


  • N. Е. Dabyltaeva
        39 23


higher education, postgraduate education, innovative technology, training standards, professional competence, business games,


The article deals with the most objective sovershenstvovanieya direction of the educational process of training undergraduates in higher education zavedaniyah country. Presented logic and its position within the research. At present, the introduction of innovative technology is one of the most important components of educational services. Higher education institutions as a basis for the formation of market competitiveness, not only in the areas of teacher professional development as a person defines his creative search promote the growth of the real growth of students. Are considered and theoretically justified urgency, the basic concepts, identify new and promising methods of teaching that promote the professional development of graduate students. The analysis of modern methods and techniques of innovative education in higher education, including the use of interactive learning; project work, conduct business games, simulations of professional activities in the learning process. The prospects of using innovative teaching methods in the preparation of undergraduates.


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