Concept and types of renewable energy


  • Z. М. Baimagambetova
  • S. Zh. Aidarbayev
        105 40


energy, renewable, concept, types,


The article discusses the concept of renewable energy and characterizes their individual types. Over the past ten years, the total consumption of traditional energy resources in the world has increased by about a quarter, and the total world gross domestic product has grown by more than 40%. Although there is no direct correlation between these two indicators, but indirectly it comes to the growth of the use of energy-saving technologies, and a general decline in the energy intensity of industrial production and increased use of renewable energy. Today, renewable energy topic is relevant because electric power industry of Kazakhstan, as well as many other countries in the world, is going through difficult times. In the short term, the absence of a viable alternative energy can be adversely affected on a global scale: the rapid depletion of traditional energy sources and the tightening environmental requirements lead to higher prices of specific capital investments in the construction of conventional generating capacity. As a result, the traditional energy is becoming very expensive, even for far from the poorest countries. Under these conditions, the use of renewable energy is the way out of this situation.


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How to Cite

Baimagambetova Z. М., & Aidarbayev, S. Z. (2017). Concept and types of renewable energy. International Relations and International Law Journal, 75(3). Retrieved from