Development of Kazakhstan’s transport and logistics infrastructure and transit capacity


  • Y. Anuarbek
  • А. B. Kuzembayeva
        68 51


transit capacity, transport corridors, the Silk Road Economic Belt, transport and logistics infrastructure,


The authors study the opportunities, challenges and benefits of country’s transit potential and indicate the necessity for its effective realization. In the context of globalization transit transport capabilities are integral parts of country’s active participation in international trade, factors of the development of transport system and sources of replenishment of the state budget. Different international transport corridors passing through the territory of the country promotes development of Kazakhstan’s effective transit capacity. Kazakhstan has all the requirements to become the main logistic link due to its political and economic stability and favorable investment climate. Nowadays Kazakhstan will have unique access to world markets through implementing large scale infrastructure projects on creation of New Silk Road within the Action plan «100 steps». China’s strategic initiative to build transport corridor of the New Silk Road will provide Kazakhstan with the opportunity to enter the world markets and will bring great economic benefits.


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