International labor migration: current trends


  • М. S. Tulegenova
  • А. Tuleibayeva
        59 61


international labor migration, job quality, labor productivity, international integration of education and academic mobility,


The article proves the need to change the education paradigms in an increasing of the international labor migration. Kazakhstan attracts more immigrants because of the emerging of economic growth and improving of the living standards. But there is another steady trend, the outflow of young skilled professionals from the country. As a result, narrows the competitive landscape of the labor market, employment is provides by jobs with low quality, reduces productivity. The article analyzes the structure of the international labor migration; author tries to show the contradictory impact of labor migration to the economic development of the donor countries and receiving countries. Active labor migration and technological transformation require additional state costs for the creation of conditions for education and development of young professionals. In connection with these processes is increasing the need to change the paradigm of education, above all, openness of the national education system.


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How to Cite

Tulegenova М. S., & Tuleibayeva А. (2017). International labor migration: current trends. International Relations and International Law Journal, 75(3). Retrieved from