Islamic radicalism in the problems of international terrorism: the issue of national security
international terrorism, Islamic radicalism, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, the Law on National Security of Kazakhstan,Abstract
The article is devoted to one of the most pressing problems of the world community the problem of international terrorism as a threat to national security. International terrorism in the context of globalization has the typical features and peculiarities of «Islamic radicalism.» New terrorist organization «Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant» and the radical organization «Boko Haram» are defined as «atypical» for international terrorism. Experts predict the expansion of the sphere of influence of the Islamic state and the spread of his ideas. This is cause for concern in the countries of Central Asia. The military operations of the IG involved many citizens of post-Soviet states. International terrorism has become a tool to achieve political goals of interest groups. Actualized the problem of Islamic radicalism poses a threat for Kazakhstan. Considered the normative aspect of the international participation of Kazakhstan in combating terrorism.References
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OON po pravam cheloveka osudil «Islamskoye gosudarstvo» // Golos Ameriki, 8,09.2014: [
14 OON: presledovaniye grazhdanskogo naseleniya v Irake mozhet byt› priravneno k prestupleniyam protiv chelovechnosti //Tsentr novostey OON, 25.08.2014: []
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[El. resurs]: []; «O natsional›noy bezopasnosti Respubliki Kazakhstan». Zakon Respubliki Kazakhstan ot 6 yanvarya 2012 g. № 527-IV (s izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami po sostoyaniyu na 07.11.2014) // IS Paragraf: [http://]
16 Kontseptsiya vneshney politiki RK na 2014 – 2020 gg. // Ofitsial›nyy sayt Prezidenta Respubliki Kazakhstan: [], 29.01.2014
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(press-sluzhba Ministerstva oborony RK), 24.04.2015: []
How to Cite
Gubaidullina М. S., & Battalov, N. N. (2016). Islamic radicalism in the problems of international terrorism: the issue of national security. International Relations and International Law Journal, 70(2). Retrieved from
International relations and foreign policy