Legal analysisof the disputein relation todiscriminationon the importof agricultural equipmentin the frameworkof the GATT


  • B. Amandossuly
  • S. Zh. Aidarbayev
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WTO, GATT, the Great Britain, Italy, disputes, finance, credit, agricultural equipment, subsidies, trade treaties, economy, goods sale, purchase, transportation, agreement, import, duties,


This article discusses thedispute which has arisenonthe substantiveissuesbetween the «Great Britain and Italy in respect ofagricultural equipment.» The paper analyzes thecharacteristics ofthe dispute.Practiceorgan of the WorldTrade OrganizationDispute Settlementin such casesis of particular importanceforthe Republic of Kazakhstanin foreign tradewhich, import of agricultural equipmentoccupies a large place. Based onArticle III ofthe GATT, the author presentsa possibleresolutionof the dispute, based on the integrated use ofdifferent methods ofinterpretation, including comparative legalway. The main rule, which was establishedon the basis ofthe present disputeis the factthatstate aidto economic entitiesmayviolate the principle ofdiscrimination.Resulting ina set of proposalsto resolvethe dispute.


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