Standards of the WTO as a form of the legalized intervention in national legislations of the states (on the example of the Agreement on government purchases of the WTO of April 15, 1994)


  • А. М. Begzhan
  • S. Zh. Aidarbaev
        58 42


purchases, World Trade Organization, state, trade in goods, trade in services, multilateral agreements,


The general characteristic of standards of the World Trade Organization on the example of standards of the Agreement on government purchases, and also its role in regulation of mutual trade in goods and services between the State Parties of this organization are presented in this article. In this work questions of granting the arena by the organization for settlement of disputes and to creation of the principles and norms of regulation of trade activity of the states by negotiation process are taken up. Relevance of a subject of this work can consist in short consideration of questions of change and addition of standards of the Agreement on government purchases, connected with coming into effect of its new edition. In conclusions authors note that agreements of the WTO are a form of lawful intervention in internal affairs of the states as each state, joining WTO, voluntary assumes legal obligations under agreements which participant it becomes, norms and rules of the WTO are enshrined in agreements which were concluded by results of negotiations between the State Parties of the organization for liberalization of world trade in general.


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How to Cite

Begzhan А. М., & Aidarbaev, S. Z. (2016). Standards of the WTO as a form of the legalized intervention in national legislations of the states (on the example of the Agreement on government purchases of the WTO of April 15, 1994). International Relations and International Law Journal, 68(4). Retrieved from