To a problem of taking measures for elimination of violence against women
discrimination, elimination, violence, women, human rights, tradition, society,Abstract
This article is considered the problem on elimination of violence against women. Analyzing the main tendencies of development and taking measures for their elimination at the national and international levels the author states that during the era of globalization the rights of women had taken very importance. The patriarchal stereotypes about a role of women in society are also dominate. The gap between the principle of equality of men and women and its realization in practice proclaimed in the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan are keep. Authors consider that this problem is solved by different creation of the international mechanisms urged to increase efficiency of norms of international law in the sphere of ensuring the rights of women. But the accepted international conventions according to the rights of women not always applied by the states. It is necessary to take a number of measures for elimination of violence against women at the national level.References
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How to Cite
Nyssanbekova, L. B. (2016). To a problem of taking measures for elimination of violence against women. International Relations and International Law Journal, 67(3). Retrieved from
International relations and foreign policy