The judicial system of the European countries
judiciary, justice, the structure of the judicial system, judicial system, courts of general jurisdiction, specialized courts/ judical instance, courts of appeal and courts of cassation,Abstract
Need to study the judicial systems of European countries, identify the procedures for selection of judges and analysis of the development of the judicial system of the European countries needed to improve the national judicial system. In this regard, the article deals with the system of justice in the European countries, analyzes the characteristics of the judicial system and the mechanism of formation of the judiciary. The author reveals the features of the Romano-Germanic and Anglo-Saxon legal system. Focuses on patterns of occurrence of judicial institutions in Europe (for example, France, Germany, England and Italy). The composition and competence of courts of the first instance, courts of appeal and courts of cassation are examined by the authors and notes the role of the various factors influencing the formation of the judicial systems in the historical context.References
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How to Cite
Sansyzbaykzy, S. (2016). The judicial system of the European countries. International Relations and International Law Journal, 67(3). Retrieved from
International relations and foreign policy